To ensure you receive notifications from our website promptly, please follow the steps below to enable notification features in different browsers. Here is a detailed setup guide for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari browsers.
1. Launch the Chrome browser and pay attention to the icon on the left side of the address bar, usually a small lock.
2. Click on this icon, and a menu will appear.
3. In the menu, find the "Notifications" option.
4. Set the button next to the "Notifications" option to "Allow."
5. After setting, it is recommended to refresh the page to ensure the notification feature works properly.
1. When visiting the user center of the nsocks website, pay attention to the notification request prompt at the top of the browser.
2. Click the "Enable Notifications" button.
3. In the pop-up window, click the "Allow" button.
1. Launch the Edge browser and click the small lock icon on the left side of the address bar.
2. In the pop-up menu, select "Site permissions."
3. Find the "Notifications" option.
4. In the dropdown menu of the "Notifications" option, select "Allow" to enable the notification feature.
1. In the Safari browser, click the "Safari" menu in the upper left corner.
2. Select "Preferences."
3. In the pop-up window, click the "Websites" tab.
4. In the left menu, select "Notifications."
5. On the right, find the website you want to set.
6. Click the dropdown menu and select "Allow" to enable the notification feature.